A single national sustainability program, Sustainable Winegrowing Australia, was announced today. Sustainable Winegrowing Australia will formally commence on 1 July 2019. This announcement expands our locally developed SAW system and joins it with ENTWINE to form a national one.
2012 SAW release at the McLaren Vale Bocce Club.
The Wine Idealists 2015 article gives an overview of McLaren Vale’s role in pushing for a national sustainability programme: https://thewineidealist.com/2015/03/27/total-sustainability-saw-mclaren-vale/
Sustainable Winegrowing Australia will be managed day to day by the AWRI, overseen by a steering committee comprising representatives of Australian Grape & Wine, Wine Australia and the AWRI, and advised by an industry advisory group made up of program users, regional representatives and other key stakeholders.
DJ’s founders Derek and James welcome the new programme and look forward to helping growers nationally improve their vineyards.